Q1. Which board is this school affiliated to?
Ans: The School is affiliated to the CBSE Board. However, almost every school is affiliated with at least one board of education.
Q2. What facilities does the school provide?
Ans: Firstly, the school provides all the basic facilities for each student. Indoor and outdoor sports are provided by the school.
Q3. Is this school co-educational?
Ans. Yes, The School is co-educational. This school offers education irrespective of the student’s gender.
Q4. What is the average strength of the classroom?
Ans. The average number of students per classroom is 1:40. However, teachers and staff are well-trained and knowledgeable.
Q5. Does this school have transport facilities?
Ans. Yes, the school does have a transport facility.
Q6. When does the admission process begin?
Ans: The admission process generally begins in the month of Feb/March.
Q7. Does the school have a boarding facility?
Ans. The school does not have a boarding facility.
Q8. What is home work policy?
Ans. The School does not believe in burdening the child yet some amount of homework is assigned in 2-3 subjects every day which a child himself/herself can attempt.
Q9. Does the school hold PTM on a regular basis?
Ans. Yes, the school and parents can only support the child in growing in the desired way. Hence it holds PTMs regularly and welcomes parents’ suggestions.
1 thought on “Kendriya Vidyalaya Mahabubabad, Hyderabad | Admission 2025-26, Fees, Results, Review, FAQ’s”
Is there any admission criteria for kids enrollment based on parents profession or sector they are working in?