Q1. Which board is this school affiliated to?
Ans: The School is affiliated to CBSE Board. However, almost every school is affiliated to atleast one board of education.
Q2. What facilities does school provide?
Ans: Firstly, the school provide all basic facilities each student. Indoor and outdoor sports are provided by school.
Q3. Is this school co-educational?
Ans. Yes, The School is co-educational. This school offers education irrespective of the student’s gender.
Q4. What is average strength of classroom?
Ans. The average students per classroom is 1:40. However, teachers and staff are well trained and knowledgeable.
Q5. Does this school have transport facilities?
Ans. Yes, the school does have transport facility.
Q6. When does admission process begin?
Ans: Admission process generally begins in the month of Feb/March.
Q7. Does the school have boarding facility?
Ans. The school does not have boarding facility.
Q8. What is home work policy?
Ans. The School does not believe in burdening the child yet some amount of home work is assigned in 2-3 subjects everyday which a child himself/herself can attempt.
Q9. Does the school hold PTM on regular basis?
Ans. Yes, the school and parents together can only support the child to grow in a desired way. Hence it holds PTMs regularly and welcome parent’s suggestions.